The story mainly follows two cliche and initially overpowered main protagonists named “Rokuro” and “Benio” as they overcome many hard trials thereby growing stronger and closer together displaying mild romance. However, towards the end the show started pulling both random and shitty plot twists out of its ass, and then shooting them at us like it’s a “shit machine-gun” (2/10). Then I thought, “Oh wow! This is actually pretty good!” from 9 to 37-ish (7/10). Was going to be pretty average at first (5 out of 10). However, most importantly, by the end I thought to myself “Wow, this is pretty fucking bad.” Sometimes I even said, “Whoa! Didn’t see that coming! Is this really a kids show? wtf?” when some pretty dark things happened I often skipped through some of the many slow scenes and flashbacks. Sometimes I became angry at how stupid and immature the characters were. Sometimes I thought, “Oh, this is such a cool kiddy shounen!” I have very mixed feelings about this show… “Cliche Archetype-filled Exorcist Shounen With Many Crappy Plot Twists” I feel that these 8.5 words describe the entirety of this anime: